Today we introduce you to another one of our breeding couples .
Their story…
We have Em’ and Envol, our mini golden ARDENNAISE bantam subjects. They were both born here with us in June 2014, from fertilized eggs that we had bought in Sancoins, in a place with many ardennaise breed chickens.
During their teenage period, the two chickens never found themselves together, always hanging out with other friends ! We weren’t even sure we’d keep the rooster. Very recently they started to find every way to be together, crawling under fences, crossing the whole yard, digging holes…
The message was very clear :
They wanted to live together !!

Day old Gaïac, their first ardennaise chick
We set them up in a small breeding cage were they can nest and spend the night and during the day they wander around freely in the courtyard or the vegetable garden ! They must’ve been disturbed because they don’t want to go back to the cage anymore, Em’ has made a small nest in a hidden and unattainable place. The dog must have something to do with it ! 🙂
Our two lovers are always together and spend some time with the other chickens living in the stables. They are always nice and don’t escape anymore. Envol has stopped fighting with the other roosters behind the wire fences and Em’ is still as lovable as she’s always been.
They are very friendly animals and that we love very much. Their first chick, Gaïac, you can see him here in a small video !!
Here’s a short video to introduce them both :
Available fertilized eggs !
Fertilized eggs from this cute couple are available :
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