Who are we and why this blog ?
Both of us are passionate about nature and animals, and we like to share are interest for one animal in particular : chickens.
When I say chickens, it means roosters, baby chicks, hens and any other gallinaceous bird 🙂
Let’s start by presenting ourselves :
Gaëlle with one of our first chickens, a wyandotte bantam
Gaëlle Dobignard, born in 1971, specialized teacher in various equestrian activities that you can follow on her french blogs attelage-facile and cheval-facile.
- Jean-François Gressin, born in 1967, civil servant since 2007, former truck-driver.
We live together in the centre of France, near a small village called La Berthenoux. We live on a farm surrounded by fields and meadows where our 4 poneys and three horses love to graze.
I’ll tell you the story of how this blog was born !
In June 2013, we were getting back two horses from a friend’s place. When we got there, we met a very friendly hen, Gaëlle went straight up to her and said « I would love to have a chicken and educate it like a dog or a cat ! »

JF with his 2 ducks heading towards the pond
This seemed a bit strange at first but we raise kids and animals so why not try with a chicken ?
Days went by and at the beginning of July we went to a market in Sancoins : there’s a big covered market with many chickens for sale. I’m sure you know how the story ends !
That day, we came back with two quails because Gaëlle knows what she wants, brahmas, and there aren’t any for sale. We’ll have to wait a little bit longer…
During the following weeks, we bought several chickens, the most-wanted brahmas, and this is how our little adventure started, step by step. A passion was born.
A passion that we want to share with you.
One day a chicken was born and this chicken made this blog come to life, isn’t it great ?!
In 2017, Egg2chicken was a necessary evolution to our french blog oeuf-poule-poussin. The articles are translated in english, a dedicated facebook page and youtube channel are added to the existing french ones in order to extend the community to english-speaking countries.
We send off our fertilized eggs to french-speaking countries all over the world and look forward to do the same with you !
Our strict quality policy and very customer-friendly approach guarantees you the best fertilized egg delivery possible. We can’t wait to see pictures of your future fluff balls !!!
Slowly but surely our feathered family has grown and it’s Gaëlle full-time job now due to many health issues forcing her to slow down her equestrian activities.
This interview-type video filmed in April 2017 by a professional team shows how we made it from complete beginners to enlightened amateurs !!
Today (summer 2017), Brahmaland as we call it, accommodates 150 to 200 gallinaceous birds depending on the time of year. Our teams has grown in order to keep sharing as much information as possible and our experience to you, our 3000 french-speaking followers and costumers across the world.
- Diane Ballaire, born in 1998, student, nature and animal enthusiast.
- Camille Lelard, born in 1985, a self-employed person with more than one string to her bow !
Diane helps out on daily chores and has started posting articles on the french blog (discovering brahmaland) and on the Facebook page oeuf poule & poussin.
Camille translates all our french posts to make this new english blog come to life : Egg 2 Chicken and manages the english Facebook and Youtube channels.