This is just a quick presentation of the different groups that should be ready for the 2018 breeding season !!
We haven’t been able to recompose all the grieving families. It’s easy when I have enough juveniles who are genetically compatible…But I don’t always have young subjects available and even less compatible ones…
This year I haven’t had enough pullets but when it comes to cockerels…, I’ve had an incredible amount of them ! In some colors, I even had 14 cockerels for only 2 or 3 pullets…Things are getting very complicated indeed ! I will also post an article for these young roosters who are in need of a new home, some of them are very lovable and close to us.
2018 Brahma flocks :
Lacchi brahma splash cockerel
The Blue : 2 roosters born this year (Best and Miami) and 7 hens.
- The ‘Bleuet’ : Part of the flock will be identical to the one we have already. Young Oak will be replacing our missed City and 2 young pullets will join them. Ceylan, still raising chicks, might not be joining the family as she’s gotten very close to Anka…
- The Black : This small flock (due to predation) will stay the same for next season. Litchee the rooster and his 3 hens.
- The S1 (splash 1) : Some changes in Cadok‘s flock !! 🙂 We’ve added a new rooster (Lacchi) and 3 pullets to his 3 splash hens. They’ve all been together more a few weeks now and seem to be getting along, the young respecting their elders.
- The S2 (splash 2) : We’ve enlarged this flock and given them a bigger chicken run for the occasion ! This family will produce splash 100% and blue/splash 50-50% due to the presence of two blue hens (Fraggle and Pearl) originating from this flock. Two rooster and 7 hens.
Surya buff brahma pullet
The BNB (blue/black) : This flock stays the same, 2 blue roosters Dahra and Ultra and 3 black hens. In order to have enough hens, 2 hybrid egg-laying chickens (miss X and miss Y) complete the family. I would’ve preferred to exchange them for black brahmas for all the young ones seem to be cockerels !!
- The BF1 (buff) : I’m in need of hens for this flock !! Help !! I’m looking for hens !! All the chicks I raised turned out to be roosters…How unlucky ! 🙁 I’m keeping 2 roosters born in 2016 (Ginger and Miel Pops) and the two first hens (Rébus and Nala), and adding another pullet : Surya.
- The BF2 (buff) : Identical flock except for two hens (E-Luna and Moogli) that I would have to replace.
- The BF3 (buff) : The family grows with E-Luna and one of the chicks being raised should be a pullet (I hope so !). We should have one rooster (Faya) and 4 hens.
- The partridge 1 (golden laced) : Still recomposing this flock, unfortunately we’ve lost a few pullets, there’s 2 roosters for 4 hens.
- The partridge (golden laced and silver laced) : The Beach Team as we call it ! Our rooster is very active and hens aren’t very keen on staying…He only has Arya and Silver to keep him company. I’m thinking about introducing E-Ti when she’s strong enough to bear him…No luck there either, all the partridge pullets were attacked, leaving only cockerels.
- And…The new 100% blue chick producing flock !! I really wanted to create a new flock in memory of our great rooster Caradoc . I’ve chosen one of Cadoc‘s sons (Glass) and one of Caradoc‘s grandson (Kansas). For now there are 5 black hens with them. All of them are teenagers so we’ll have to wait and see !!! 🙂
Kansas and Glass our two young splash brahmas
2018 pekin bantams flocks :
- The Choco One : Suchard the rooster will run this flock next year, with 3 hens already. Another pullet, (E-bay) will be joining in when she’s old enough.
Ti Punch : daughter of First and Inouk
The Choco bis : Our young I-Pad will be in charge. He’ll be accompanied by miss Kinder (chocolate pekin) and by miss Rhum (50% lavender pekin). Later on, 2 young hens will join them, Délichoc and Dulcey. 🙂
- The MFU ou PK1 (mille fleur) : At last, Utah‘s flock is back on track after nearly being eliminated by buzzards in 2016. We have just brought in 2 new juvenile hens to add to the 2 surviving ones. Another pullet (Boha) will join them later on.
- The PK2 (mille fleur) : No changes here, 2 roosters and 5 hens !
- The PK3 (mille fleur) : Inouk will soon be welcoming two new hens. 🙂
2018 wyandotte bantams flocks :
Miss Zouk
The WA 1 (silver laced and blue laced) : Some changes in Naïkee‘s flock, Zouk the hen has joined them during this year and we have introduced two young ones : a blue laced rooster (picture at the top of the page) and a pullet. 🙂
- The WA 2 (silver laced and blue laced) : Our PC will also be welcoming two new hens, he’ll have 4 in total for next season.
- The WA 3 (silver laced and blue laced) : MacDo and T-Olé, both roosters, will have two pullets joining them soon in order to recompose this family endangered by a few earlier this year. This flock will have 3 wyandotte hens and one wyandotte-crossed. No luck there either, 4 chicks raised and 4 roosters in the end…. 🙁
2018 orpington bantams flocks :
Iukta : chocolat orpington bantam chick
The Orpi One : 2 chocolate roosters with 2 hens, black and cuckoo. 2 pullets will join them during the year (Iha et Iukta), one is chocolate and the other is….undefinable !
- The Orpi 2 : No changes in Mr Ferrero‘s family !
The other 2018 flocks :
- The vorwerks : No changes here either, Apple stays with his 4 ladies ! 🙂
- The chabo (japanese bantams) : Still Cartoon and his 3 hens !
- The ardennais : Mister Envol and his loyal Em’, I would love to have another hen but this breed is quite rare and very hard to find…
- The brahpis : This flock is specially created for our dear Anka, first creator of the cross-breed Brahpi du Berry 🙂 We’ve had many issues with these ones lately and I haven’t been able to keep a juvenile subject just yet but Anka will have a few hens for him next season ! 🙂
- Crossed breeds : Scattered in all different flocks, we keep some egg-laying hens in order to have enough ladies in each family. In 2018, we’ll have miss X, Y Arya, Oups, Angarade, Cotcot, Rhum, Quad and maybe some new ones ! 🙂

Muppet : frizzle mille fleur pekin bantam cockerel … We might have a surprise in store.. 🙂
Before the new season starts I will present to you each family with pictures and videos for you to see, I’m just waiting for the weather to lighten up ! 🙂