Today I would like to give you my basic recipe for homemade baby chick feed, you can always add other ingredients but these are the key elements.
This is the one I use for new borns (3-4 days old) but also for the ones recovering from something or as comfort food for youngsters having trouble pecking.

Basic ingredients : hard-boiled egg, dry breadcrumbs, salad.
This recipe is a must-have, they all love it !
Very easy to prepare, it’s a very good way to please them !
Here’s what you need :
- – dry breadcrumbs
- – salad, nettle, spinach, any edible green leaf…
- – 1 egg
Directions :
1- Cook the egg for 10 minutes in boiling water until it’s hard-boiled
2- While the egg is cooking, crush the breadcrumbs, I use a pestle and mortar. Continue crushing until you have the right sized crumbs depending on the age and size of the baby chicks.
3- Cut the green leaves you have chosen into tiny pieces, scissors work best.

Looks so good I could eat some myself !
4- Once the egg is hard-boiled, rinse it under cold water to cool it down, peel off the shell (you can crush it to feed the older chickens) and crush them whole with a fork into very small bits.
5- Mix the breadcrumbs with the eggs, if the mash is too soggy, you can always add some more bread. It’s more difficult the other way around ! Then, add the greens.
6- Mix well until you have something not too dry or too soggy, baby chicks will show you how they like it best !
Dinner is served !!
I usually feed the mash to them in two or three times throughout the day, it avoids wasting some of our special feed. You can store it in the fridge for a day or two.
As usual, our professional homemade mash tasters absolutely love it !
I found this recipe in a famous french book on poultry-yard.
Hope your little ones will like it 🙂

6 days old golden ardennais and blue brahma chicks just can’t stop !

Hazza, young recovering brahma enjoying his mash
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thank you lots
Great recipe
Thanks for this it has helped me greatly.